Pluralism and Diversity: Best Practices from Singapore and Southeast Asia


During the WEAI Lectures discussion, the State Department’s Special Representative to Muslim Communities, Shaarik Zafar, and the Singaporean Minister for the Environment and Water Resources, Masagos Zulkifli, held a conversation on religious pluralism and cultural diversity in Southeast Asia. As one of two Malay ministers in the Singapore Cabinet, Minister Zulkifli has had a strong track record facilitating multi-ethnic and multi-faith communities in Singapore. Representative Zafar and Minister Zulkifli discussed current trends in the regional-level approaches to cultivating mutual respect in diverse societies, and the role of civil society and government actors. The discussion was moderated by Ann Marie Murphy, Senior Research Associate at the Weatherhead East Asian Institute.

Listen to the full audio of the event here.
View more pictures here.

David Kennedy

Chicago-based website developer that loves Squarespace.

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