Call for Papers: 22nd Cornell SEAP Graduate Student Conference - Engendering Migrations: Southeast Asia

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Abstracts Due By: November 30, 2019 

Conference Date: March 13-15, 2020

Cornell University recently launched a Global Grand Challenge across departments and programs on the theme of Migrations: Researching, Teaching and Building for a World on the Move. For the 22nd annual Southeast Asia Program Graduate Student Conference, we invite submissions that speak broadly and creatively to this theme, and to the engendering of migrations across time and space. The Graduate Student Conference will highlight dynamic research on Southeast Asia carried out by graduate students across disciplines and the globe, united by this common theme. 

In its narrowest sense, “migrations” refers to the movement of people and animals between places, we encourage submissions that also explore the movement of ideas, practices, material objects, or even disciplinary boundaries, within, beyond, or relating to Southeast Asia.

We particularly encourage reflection on how these migrations are “engendered,” in the dual sense employed in Ashley Thompson’s Engendering the Buddhist State (2016). Thompson considers both the general use of “engendering” - to originate, cause or give rise - and how “gender” itself may play a role in that origination. For Thompson, historical events are fundamentally intertwined with their aesthetic representations, social constructions, and gendered dynamics. In the 22nd Annual Graduate Student Conference, we hope participants will similarly consider how gender, or other previously-obscured categories, may be intertwined with and engender the Southeast Asian migrations we study.

The Graduate Student Conference will be held March 13-15, 2020 at the George McT. Kahin Center for Advanced Research on Southeast Asia, located on Cornell University’s campus in Ithaca, New York. 

We welcome submissions of abstracts by November 30, 2019 from graduate students who have completed original research related to Southeast Asia. The Cornell Southeast Asia Program’s Graduate Student Committee will review the abstracts, select presenters, and organize panels by theme. In order to aid the process of thematic organization, we ask that you please include a few keywords summarizing your presentation along with your abstract.

Selected contributors will present their work as part of a panel, and paper abstracts will be included in the conference program. All the panels will have faculty discussants; therefore, presenters should be prepared to submit full papers of 5000-8000 words by February 14, 2020.

A very limited number of modest travel allowances will be available for those traveling longer distances. We encourage applicants to first seek funding from their home institutions. Please indicate along with your abstract whether you expect to receive travel funding from your home institution and if you would like to be considered for a travel allowance from the Cornell Southeast Asia Program Graduate Student Committee. We will be in touch in February to coordinate graduate student host lodging for confirmed presenters. In the spirit of collegiate engagement, all presenters are expected to attend the entire conference.

Please submit abstracts to the following email address:

All abstracts should be limited to 250 words and sent in .doc or .docx format. Do not send a PDF. Please name your abstract using your first and last name together (for example, janedoe.doc for Jane Doe's abstract). 

The subject of the message should specify “SEAP Graduate Conference Submission” (please note capitalization)  and the body of the email should include the following information:

  • Author name(s), institutional affiliation(s), and a primary email address

  • Title of paper

  • Paper keywords

  • The abstract (attached as a .doc or .docx file)

Please contact Bruno M. Shirley, conference committee chair, at with any questions regarding abstract submission or the selection process. 

Click here for more information.

David Kennedy

Website developer that loves Squarespace.

Talking Indonesia Podcast: Persecuted Minorities


Sanford H. Taylor Postdoctoral Fellowship: Transnational Experience in Postnational Asia