Call for Papers: Religious and Cultural Drivers and Responses to Political Changes in Southeast Asia

Deadline for submissions is June 17, 2019.

We are seeking scholars, artists, activists, and graduate students interested in presenting their work at a conference at Pace University on November 8, 2019!

How and what role are religious communities and leaders playing in civic life in Southeast Asia today? Politics in Southeast Asia is in a dramatic state of flux. Populist and anti-democratic rule has taken hold in the Philippines, there is continued military rule in Thailand, louder and more forceful activism from conservative Muslim groups is taking place in Indonesia, and leaders are using Islam for political purposes, and we see victory for opposition parties in Malaysia. These are just some of the political dynamics in todays Southeast Asia. How and what role are religious groups playing in response to/or as a mobilizing force for/against these changes? Has religious practice or theology responded to political changes or are they driving them in some way? Are we seeing cultural (art, music, cinema, tv) responses to increased religiosity (in Myanmar or Indonesia for example)? What do these responses look like and where and from whom do we see them? Are there deeper historical comparisons that can be made by looking at earlier periods of religious identity formation and earlier ties between religious communities and ruling structures?

We are seeking papers that are empirically rich and cut across traditional academic disciplines. Proposals are welcome from all fields in the social sciences and humanities. The conference proceedings may result in a published volume with Pace University Press. Furthermore, portions or the entirety of the conference may be videoed and archived. There is limited financial support for travel for graduate students or for scholars from schools that have fewer resources to reimburse scholars for travel to conferences. If you will be seeking financial support for your participation, please indicate this in your proposal.

Those interested in presenting a paper should send an abstract of the project of no more than 300 words, along with your name, position, affiliation/address and contact information to Inquiries should be directed to Professor Amy Freedman at the same email address.



  • Pace University

David Kennedy

Website developer that loves Squarespace.

New Books in Southeast Asian Studies: Thai Military Power, A Culture of Strategic Accommodation


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