IPAC Report: Explaining Indonesia's Silence on the Uyghur Issue


The Indonesian government is under little pressure to address the systematic repression of China’s Uyghur Muslims because many Indonesians see the crackdown as a legitimate response to separatism; do not trust reports of human rights organizations; or believe the issue has been politicized in the context of Indonesia’s April 2019 presidential election. A largely successful Chinese campaign to woo Indonesian Muslims through highly controlled tours of Xinjiang and largesse distributed to Muslim institutions has also been important.

“Explaining Indonesia’s Silence on the Uyghur Issue,” the latest report from the Institute for Policy Analysis of Conflict (IPAC), examines the local dynamics affecting how the issue of Uyghur repression is perceived.

Click here to keep reading. Access the full report here, or download as a PDF below.

PDF: Explaining Indonesia’s Silence on the Uyghur Issue

David Kennedy

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