Call for Panel Proposals: Association for Asian Studies 2020 Annual Conference


Call for submissions: Vietnam-related panel proposals for consideration as the Vietnam Studies Group (VSG) sponsored panel to the meetings of the Association for Asian Studies (AAS). Each year the Executive Committee of VSG selects a panel to formally sponsor for the AAS, which both adds to the visibility of the VSG in the meetings and increases the chances that the selected panel will ultimately be included in the AAS conference.

The deadline for submissions of panels to VSG for consideration will be July 10, 2019. Please note that proposals must follow the AAS guidelines and the panel organizer must submit the proposal to AAS as well as to VSG. To submit your panel for VSG consideration, please send the full proposal (including panel and individual abstracts) to the Vietnam Studies Group Panel Sponsorship Committee, c/o Dr. Ivan V. Small, The committee expects to notify organizers of its decision by July 27, ten days before the AAS deadline.

Read more about the conference here. Click here to view the Call for Papers and additional information, including information on travel grants for graduate students and scholars who are citizens of and working in “non-high-income, non-OECD nations of Asia."

Please note: VSG sponsorship is not a guarantee of acceptance by AAS, though never been turned down. The AAS annual meeting will take place Mar 19-22, 2020 in Boston, Massachusetts at the Sheraton Boston Hotel and Hynes Convention Center. Funding for travel cannot be guaranteed. However, the selected panel will also receive recognition on the list-serv and at the VSG meeting that occurs at AAS, thus helping to draw a lively audience for the sponsored panel. Although VSG traditionally sponsors one panel, all panels submitted for consideration will receive feedback from the committee, which we hope will help increase the number of competitive Vietnam-related panels submitted to the AAS as a whole. All scholars in the Vietnam Studies community at all stages of their academic careers are thus strongly encouraged to submit an AAS proposal for review for the VSG sponsored panel.

David Kennedy

Website developer that loves Squarespace.

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