Why There's Unrest in the Indonesian Province of Papua

A low-level insurgency has bubbled away in the Indonesian provinces of Papua and West Papua since the early 1960s, when Dutch colonialists withdrew from the territory and Indonesia moved in as temporary administrators.

A referendum on independence was agreed under a UN-brokered deal but the vote, held in 1969 and widely regarded as a sham (some have nicknamed it the "act of no choice"), allowed just 1026 locals chosen by Indonesia to vote – and they voted unanimously for incorporation into Indonesia.

The most recent protests have seen several people killed, buildings set on fire and violence on the streets. Thousands of people have taken part in protests all over the country, flying the banned Morning Star flag and demanding independence.

Indonesian authorities deported four Australians from West Papua. It was alleged they had participated in pro-independence protests.

So what is behind all the tension in Papua? Why are these protests happening now? And what will Indonesia do about them?

Click here to keep reading.

David Kennedy

Website developer that loves Squarespace. Mediaspace.co


Open Application: Center for Khmer Studies Senior Research Fellowship Program


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