East-West Center Graduate Degree Fellowship


The East-West Center Graduate Degree Fellowship provides master's and doctoral funding for graduate students from Asia, the Pacific, and the United States to participate in educational, cultural, residential community building, and leadership development programs at the East-West Center while pursuing graduate study at the University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa (UHM). Undertaking degree studies at UHM through an East-West Center fellowship is not merely about receiving a financial aid scholarship. Since the basic purpose of the East-West Center is to build a sense of Asia-Pacific community and prepare for future leadership roles, EWC graduate student fellows live together and interact with each other in both intellectual and social activities. They are, from the very outset, an identifiable group committed to the notion of building an Asia-Pacific community. Through team-building activities, leadership development projects and internships, learning about the Asia Pacific region, cultural exchange, educational enrichment gatherings, community service and service learning projects, EWC graduate degree fellows establish friendships and lifelong ties to a network of people committed to positive change in the Asia Pacific region.

Fellowships are awarded annually in an international competition. To apply for study beginning in the 2020-2021 academic year, the deadline to apply online is December 1, 2019

Click here for more information.

David Kennedy

Website developer that loves Squarespace. Mediaspace.co


Assistant Professor Position: History of Southeast Asia at UC Santa Cruz


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