Call for Proposals: Forest Restoration (Rainforest Journalism Fund)

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Forest restoration, a form of reforestation, is viewed as an important approach to addressing the climate crisis and maintaining rainforests and their biodiversity. The purpose of forest restoration is to restore a degraded forest to its original state – to re-establish the presumed structure, productivity, and species diversity of the forest originally present at a site. Forest restoration helps to rehabilitate a forest, as it restores the capacity of the degraded forest land to deliver its beneficial ecological products and services.

The Southeast Asia Rainforest Journalism Fund and the Pulitzer Center are opening a special call for reporting grant applications on forest restoration and rehabilitation issues. Journalists, editors, and independent media organizations are invited to submit a proposal for a journalistic project that will cover stories related to forest restoration in the region. The proposals may address relevant initiatives of forest restoration or rehabilitation that range from REDD+ to community-led projects from any angle (successes, solutions, challenges, unintended consequences, etc.).

Proposals are due by November 30, 2020. 

Click here for more information.

David Kennedy

Website developer that loves Squarespace.

Lecture: Identity Politics of Overseas Chinese in Thailand


Call for Applicants: ISEAS Visiting Fellowship (Social Media in Southeast Asia)