Call for Papers: Myanmar/Burma in the Changing Southeast Asian Context


The 3rd International Conference on Burma/Myanmar Studies will be co-organized from October 22-24, 2020 at Chiang Mai University. It aims to be a platform for regional/international scholars and practitioners interested in Burma/Myanmar society as it undergoes economic, political and social transformation to exchange ideas and research experiences on critical issues, as well as strengthen and expand their networks. The ICBMS III committee invites individual abstracts as well as panel proposals from interested academics, researchers, graduate students, and professionals, as well as practitioners engaged in the field of Burma/Myanmar studies.

Interested participants should submit abstracts of not more than 300 words, along with keywords and a short biography (name, affiliated institution and work position) via the online system at the conference website: Panel proposals should be not more than 500 words. Panel descriptions should contain a 300-word abstract for each presenter.

Individual abstracts and panel proposals should be sent by April 15, 2020. Details of papers and panels accepted will be announced on May 15, 2020. The deadline for submission of full papers is August 15, 2020. Roundtable discussion submissions will also be considered.

To learn more about the conference, how to register, and how to submit, click here.

David Kennedy

Website developer that loves Squarespace.

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