Webinar: How Southeast Asia is Coping with COVID-19?

Southeast Asia was hit earliest by the COVID-19 pandemic outside China, but the virus appeared controlled until mid-March. How is COVID-19 impacting Southeast Asia? How vulnerable are the region’s 625 million people? How threatened are its public healthcare systems? This webinar discussion will explore the threat to and responses of four states – Singapore, Vietnam, Indonesia and the Philippines—and consider the role of regional and international organizations in combating the pandemic in Southeast Asia.

This event is part of the Southeast Asia Forum, a project of the Southeast Asia Program at the Stimson Center.

Moderator: William Wise, Nonresident Fellow, Southeast Asia Program, The Stimson Center


  • Ambassador Robert Blake (ret), Senior Director, McLarty Associates

  • John Lichtefeld, Vice President, The Asia Group; Stimson Center Non-Resident Fellow

  • Bilahari Kausikan, Former Permanent Secretary, Singapore Ministry of Foreign Affairs

  • Rene “Butch” Meily, President, Philippines Disaster Resilience Foundation

Click here to watch the webinar (recorded live on April 30, 2020).

David Kennedy

Chicago-based website developer that loves Squarespace. Mediaspace.co


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