Online Book Launch “Fighting for Virtue: Justice and Politics in Thailand”, by Duncan McCargo


Recording of the online book launch “Fighting for Virtue: Justice and Politics in Thailand”, written by NIAS Director and NYSEAN Co-founder Duncan McCargo and recently published by Cornell University Press.

In this online book launch, the author engaged in a conversation with two US-based scholars – Tyrell Haberkorn of the University of Wisconsin Madison, and Frank Munger of New York Law School – both of whom have done extensive research on the Thai justice system. At the end of the event, a few questions from the audience were discussed too.

If you are interested in ordering a copy of Fighting for Virtue, you can get a 30 per cent discount: if you are a citizen in the United States you can order it online at Cornell University website (discount code 09FLYER), otherwise you can order it at Combined Academic (discount code CS09FLYER).

David Kennedy

Website developer that loves Squarespace.

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