The South China Sea Conflict: Issues and Prospects

Recorded July 9, 2020.

The South China Sea has long been a venue for territorial disputes between China and Southeast Asian countries but in recent years China’s construction and militarization of artificial islands have also made it a focal point of Sino-U.S. rivalry. This webinar examines the different policies Southeast Asian states have adopted toward the South China Sea issue and analyzes how they are responding to rising Sino-U.S. competition and the attendant pressure to choose sides. At a time when the U.S. has responded to recent Chinese actions to enhance its control of the South China Sea by stationing three aircraft carriers in the region, this webinar also assesses the risk of military conflict and prospects for the future.

Speakers include:

Christopher Ankersen, Clinical Associate Professor, Center for Global Affairs, NYU

Gregory B. Poling, Director, Asia Maritime Transparency Initiative, Center for Strategic and International Studies


Ann Marie Murphy, Professor, School of Diplomacy and International Relations, Seton Hall University

Watch the webinar in full below or download the audio here.

Recorded July 9, 2020. The South China Sea has long been a venue for territorial disputes between China and Southeast Asian countries but in recent years Chi...

This event is sponsored by the New York Southeast Asia Network and Network 20/20.

David Kennedy

Chicago-based website developer that loves Squarespace.

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