IPAC Report: Indonesian Islamists: Activists in Search of an Issue

 Indonesian Islamists, who united to bring down the then governor of Jakarta four years ago, have not become the political force that many feared, and Covid-19 has made the one tactic they excelled at – mass rallies to force political change – too risky. The former partners in the 212 Movement are now less visible and more divided than ever, but much of their agenda has entered the Muslim mainstream.

“Indonesian Islamists: Activists in Search of an Issue,” the latest report by the Institute for Policy Analysis of Conflict (IPAC), looks at what has happened to the two main blocs in the 212 alliance – the FPI-led traditionalists and the Salafi modernists – in the twelve months since IPAC’s last update. With leaders under pressure from the government and Muslim moderates mounting a more effective resistance against illiberal policy proposals, the two groups are lying low for now, focusing on internal consolidation and strengthening their respective grassroots bases.

Click here to read the report.

David Kennedy

Website developer that loves Squarespace. Mediaspace.co


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