New Books Podcast: Bomb Children: Life in the Former Battlefields of Laos (Leah Zani)

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In this episode, Lachlan Summers, PhD candidate in cultural anthropology at UC Santa Cruz, talks with Dr. Leah Zani, a public anthropologist and poet based in California, about her truly wonderful book Bomb Children: Life in the Former Battlefields of Laos (Duke University Press, 2019).

Her research takes place half a century after the CIA’s Secret War in Laos – the largest bombing campaign in history, which rendered Laos the most bombed country in the world. Dr. Zani examines the long-term effects of air warfare by looking at how the explosive remnants of war build themselves into people’s everyday lives, and how people embody the extreme uncertainty of a peace haunted by war.

The book is striking in a thousand ways, but perhaps what stands out is it being composed as ethnography interspersed with “fieldpoems”. Foregrounding the blurry line between war and peace, Bomb Children is a patient and careful ethnography that looks at how people build lives in worlds that continue to explode.
In today’s conversation, Summers asks Dr. Zani about how to write ethnography about not-knowing, the unique analytic of parallelism she developed for her research, the recursive relationship between method and theory in anthropology, and what poetry can offer ethnographic analysis.

Click here for more information and to listen to the podcast.

David Kennedy

Website developer that loves Squarespace.

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