Call for Abstracts: On Public Health and Well-Being in Indonesia: COVID-19 and Beyond (20th NEC on Indonesia)


COVID-19 and the responses to contain it have brought into sharp relief several health-related issues in Indonesia that encompass social, political, and economic concerns. The pandemic has highlighted, among other concerns, a reliance on foreign medical supplies, strained government resources, and a lack of healthcare providers in parts of the archipelago, prompting the Indonesian government to announce new efforts to bolster health security and stave off further economic decline.

In response to this contemporary moment, the 20th Northeastern Conference on Indonesia, hosted by the Cornell Indonesian Association in cooperation with the Yale Indonesia Forum, will focus broadly on the state of health in Indonesia, past and present. We welcome abstracts from all academic disciplines. These need not be limited in subject and scope to COVID-19. With the aim of understanding how health organizes various aspects of life in Indonesia, we invite abstracts that use health as a concept creatively and broadly to discuss important issues that encompass politics, culture, economics, histories, and ecologies across Indonesia. Thematically, these might include topics such as environment and sanitation; mental and sexual health and policy; food security and nutrition; health and religion; the place of healthcare in national development; the moving of the national capital and its ecological implications; transboundary haze pollution; and more.

Presentation abstracts should be submitted in English and contain no more than 450 words. Authors may submit no more than one individual and one co-authored abstract. All abstracts will be blind-reviewed by a committee of graduate students in corresponding areas of study. Please note: The body of the abstract should not include the author’s name or institutional affiliation.

All abstracts are due by October 2, 2020, and notifications of acceptance will be sent out by October 6, 2020.

All submissions can be made via this online form.

Click here for more information. Download the call for abstracts as a PDF here.

David Kennedy

Website developer that loves Squarespace.

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