IPAC Report: Terrorism, Recidivism and Planned Releases in Indonesia

Sutomo alias Ustadz Yasin, arrested for the third time on terrorism charges, 2 September 2020 / Image via IPAC

Sutomo alias Ustadz Yasin, arrested for the third time on terrorism charges, 2 September 2020 / Image via IPAC

The issue of recidivism among those convicted of terrorism in Indonesia needs a closer look as well over 100 of these prisoners are being released each year. Most will not commit a second offense: the recidivism rate hovers around 10-11%, depending on the definition used. If factors involved in recidivism can be identified, however, more targeted post-release programs might reduce that rate further.

Terrorism, Recidivism and Planned Releases in Indonesia, the latest report from the Institute for Policy Analysis of Conflict (IPAC) looks at a group of 94 men who committed a second terrorism offense among 825 individuals convicted of terrorism and released between 2002 and the end of May 2020. The recidivism rate for this group is thus 11.39%. All were tried in Indonesia for the first crime and most for their second crime as well, but the 94 also include a few who were arrested by another country (Malaysia, Afghanistan, Philippines) the second time around and those who left for Syria to join ISIS. It also includes 13 men who committed a second terrorism offense while still in prison for the first, thereby getting a second trial and conviction even though they were never released.

β€œThe challenge is to understand the factors that push ex-prisoners back into extremist activity, despite their full knowledge of the consequences of getting caught,” says Sidney Jones, IPAC director.

Click here to read the report.

David Kennedy

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