ISHR's Human Rights Research Fellowship

ISHR's Human Rights Research Fellowship supports Columbia University faculty, conducting research related to human rights, and will provide students with an opportunity to gain valuable research experience. ISHR will award up to three student research stipends in the amount of $1,500 in the 2021-2022 academic year.

Students who receive the Human Rights Research Fellowship are expected to complete approximately 80-120 hours of research assistance. Specific research opportunities for students will be announced as they become available. 

Current Columbia University faculty who are interested in working with a student on a human rights research project are requested to email the following materials to

  • a brief summary of the research project,

  • expected research needs from the student, and

  • a timeline for the project.  

Applications are accepted on a rolling basis, with preference given to proposals received by November 15, 2021. Click here for more information.

David Kennedy

Chicago-based website developer that loves Squarespace.

Joseph Rago Memorial Fellowship for Excellence in Journalism


2021 AIFIS-CAORC Research Fellowship for U.S. Scholars