Recording: Unpacking Indonesia's 'Conservative Turn'

Unpacking Indonesia's 'Conservative Turn': A Discussion About Salafi Islamic Mobilization and National Identity

[Recorded October 13, 2021]

Join NYSEAN for a lively conversation between Greg Fealy and Chris Chaplin on Chaplin’s new book, Salafism and the State: Islamic Activism and National Identity in Contemporary Indonesia. The discussion was moderated by NYSEAN co-founder Margaret Scott, and organized by NYSEAN, NIAS, and APEC.


Chris Chaplin is a political anthropologist who has done extensive research on Islamic activism, social movements, and postcolonial citizenship in Indonesia and Southeast Asia. He has published widely on these topics in international academic journals and scholarly volumes.

Greg Fealy is a scholar of Indonesian politics and history, who specializes in Islam. He has written extensively on the politics and culture of major Islamic parties and organizations such as Nahdlatul Ulama, PKS, and Hizbut Tahrir, as well as jihadist groups. He has received two ARC grants to study religious commodification and Indonesian terrorism. He has a particular interest in Islamic political doctrines, Islamization processes, and the role of religion in democratic systems.


Margaret Scott is an adjunct associate professor at New York University’s Wagner School of Public Service and a journalist, currently focusing on the role of Islam in Indonesian politics. She has written for The New York Review of Books, The Times Literary Supplement, and The New York Times Magazine. She is also a NYSEAN co-founder.

Watch the full webinar below or on the NYSEAN YouTube Channel.

David Kennedy

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