Nordic Asia Podcast - Belittled Citizens: The Cultural Politics of Childhood on Bangkok's Margins

“How is childhood experienced in the slums of Bangkok and how does it relate to socio-political processes in Thailand? What role do mothers play in the leadership of the slums? And how can we understand recent mass protests in Thailand through the lens of children’s activism?

Giuseppe Bolotta gives insights into his recently published book Belittled Citizens: The Cultural Politics of Childhood on Bangkok’s Margins (NIAS Press, 2021). This study explores the daily lives, constraints and social worlds of children born in the slums of Bangkok. It examines how slum children define themselves – and are defined by others – in relation to a range of governing technologies, state and non-state actors, and broad cultural politics.”

Listen to the full episode below or on the New Books Network website.

David Kennedy

Website developer that loves Squarespace.

New Books Podcast - Youth Culture and Identity in Northern Thailand: Fitting in and Sticking Out


24th Cornell SEAP Graduate Student Conference: (De)Constructing Southeast Asia