Women in Asia Conference 2021

The Women in Asia Conference 2021 is calling for papers on ‘Fashioning Gender in Asia’. Fashioning Gender in Asia builds on past Women in Asia conferences and the Women’s Forum of the Asian Studies Association of Australia to further research on gender in the Asian region. The conference explores how gender, sexuality and bodies; objects, culture and memory; citizenship, geography and economy, and technology, media and mobility intersect and entwine in the very fabric of gendered personhoods in/of Asia. Papers are invited to any of the following five streams:

·         Fashioning the Body – art, culture, embodiment

·         Borders Frayed/Reinforced – nation, citizenship, mobility

·         Stitched Together – law, human rights and social justice

·         Digital Tapestries – technologies and relationships

·         Materialities – economy, work, education, welfare

Applications are due by 30 June, 2021. Click here for more information. 


David Kennedy

Website developer that loves Squarespace. Mediaspace.co


University of Nottingham-Malaysia: 1st Asian Summer School on Political Parties and Democracy


AAWW: Managing Editor