[Recording] NYSEAN PUC Inaugural Conference

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The New York Southeast Asia Network Public Universities Consortium (NYSEAN PUC) is a new initiative that brings together students and scholars at public universities focusing on Southeast Asia. NYSEAN PUC aims to foster and facilitate interdisciplinary Southeast Asian studies throughout the SUNY and CUNY systems. The NYSEAN PUC held its inaugural conference on April 26 - April 29, 2021 and featured four panels. It covered topics such as accessing (especially digital) Southeast Asia-specific library collections and archives, applying for grants and postdocs, learning Southeast Asian languages and studying abroad, and the challenges and opportunities of researching and teaching about Southeast Asia at SUNY and CUNY institutions.

Watch the panels below.

For more information contact nyseanpuc@gmail.com or mweiss@albany.edu.

Graduate Student and Faculty Panel

Graduate Student Panel

Undergraduate Panel

Faculty Panel

David Kennedy

Website developer that loves Squarespace. Mediaspace.co


SEARAC: Communications & Development Manager


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