Reconciling the Past for a Stronger Partnership: Shaping U.S.-Vietnam Relations under the Biden Administration

Photo: Chad McNeeley/Office of the Secretary of Defense Public Affairs

Photo: Chad McNeeley/Office of the Secretary of Defense Public Affairs

“As the first trip by a Biden administration cabinet official, Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin’s visit to Southeast Asia last week held considerable symbolic significance. His speech in Singapore marked a clear distinction between the administration’s approach to the region and that of the Trump team. Austin delivered a message consistent with the U.S. intention to compete with China while tailoring the tone to reflect the concerns of Southeast Asians. In his remarks, Austin clarified that the United States will not force countries to “choose” between Washington and Beijing—addressing a strongly held, and unpopular, perception in the region based on the Trump administration’s sharp rhetoric.”

Read this commentary by Dr. Huong Le Thu, Adjunct Fellow (Non-resident) as CSIS Southeast Asia Program and and Senior Analyst at Australian Strategic Policy Institute.

Click here.


On April 15, 2021 webinar, Dr. Le Thu also examined the opportunities and challenges for United States-Vietnam relations following their recent leadership changes. The webinar was part of the "Southeast Asia Views America: Perceptions, Policies & Prospects" virtual conference, sponsored by the New York Southeast Asia Network, the Weatherhead East Asian Institute, and Seton Hall University.

David Kennedy

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