Talking Indonesia: Covid-19 and Creative Workers

Yogyakarta is famous for its bustling cultural scene and its cosmopolitan, artistic atmosphere. But the COVID-19 pandemic has seen the city’s arts scene grind to a halt. With health restrictions and regulations against public gatherings, it has been almost impossible for artists to continue performing, and this situation has severely affected their livelihoods.

In Yogyakarta alone, an estimated 172,000 creative workers have had to seek alternative sources of income to make ends meet and continue their artistic endeavors. Many of these creative workers are young artists who have now been left wondering what the future holds for them, as the pandemic continues, without an end in sight.

How have Yogyakarta’s young artists managed during the pandemic? How are they making ends meet while still channeling their creative passions? What can the government, civil society, and the public do to support young creative workers during these difficult times?

To explore these questions further, Dr. Charlotte Setijadi speaks to Dr. Oki Radianto Sutopo about a research project on young creative workers in Yogyakarta that he recently conducted with a team of researchers that included one of Talking Indonesia co-hosts, Dr. Annisa Beta from the University of Melbourne.

Dr. Oki Rahadianto Sutopo is a Lecturer in Sociology and the Executive Director of the Youth Studies Centre (YouSure) at the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences in Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta. Oki earned his PhD in Sociology from the University of Newcastle in Australia. His main research interests include youth studies, youth transition, youth culture, and generations. He is also the editor in chief of UGM’s Youth Studies Journal.

David Kennedy

Website developer that loves Squarespace.

Lee Kong Chian NUS-Stanford Distinguished Fellowship on Contemporary Southeast Asia


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