Nordic Asia Podcast: U.S. Determinization of Genocide in Myanmar: Part One, Roots

Flag of the Rakhine State raised by protestors during the anti-coup demonstrations (Spring Revolution) in wake of the 2021 military coup.

In March of 2022 the U.S. government announced its determination that genocide was committed by the Myanmar military against Rohingya communities in Myanmar’s Rakhine State in 2017. What will this mean for the roughly one million Rohingya refugees living in neighboring countries, for Rohingya IDPs in Rakhine State, and for post-coup Myanmar?

In this episode of Nordic Asia Podcast, NYSEAN member Terese Gagnon speaks with Kyaw Zeyar Win about this long-awaited determination. In this conversation we hear from Zeyar about the violent origins of the Rohingya genocide, rooted in the long history of securitization of Rohingya in Myanmar. Terese and Zeyar discuss the possible implications of the genocide determination for Rohingya both within and outside of post-coup Myanmar.

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David Kennedy

Chicago-based website developer that loves Squarespace.

The Robert H. N. Ho Family Foundation New Professorships in Buddhist Studies - American Council of Learned Societies


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