Jemaah Islamiyah’s Military Training Programs

The NYSEAN partner Institute for Policy Analysis of Conflict has released a new report on the military training programs of the Islamist terrorist group Jemaah Islamiyah (JI), and their eventual decision to train young men in Syria:

“JI is facing the biggest crisis of its nearly 30-year existence,” says Sidney Jones, IPAC’s Senior Advisor. “In its desperation to save its most valued younger members, JI might try to smuggle them out of the country to prevent their arrest but the chances that it would succeed are not high.”

This report details the attempts of JI to resume training operations in Mindanao over the last decade, and the challenges it has come across. With the organization’s hopes pinned on younger members and recent trainees, JI is in difficult straits to effectively replenish the ranks of aging leaders with capable cadres.

David Kennedy

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