USINDO 2023 Summer Studies Program

Organizer: The United States-Indonesia Society


The USINDO Summer Studies Program has been held for over 26 years, with the generous support of the Freeman Foundation, and has strived to educate young Americans about Indonesia through in-country language and culture training in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. The program has benefited a total of 241 alumni, many of whom have returned to work, do business, or conduct research in Indonesia.

The program is designed to give American students the skills – language, political awareness, cultural sensitivity, knowledge, and networking – they need to forge a relationship with a vibrant country full of opportunity. Students of any major, from environmental studies to music to international relations to Asian studies will find their interests piqued by Indonesia with this program.

Application due by: January 22, 2023

Click here to apply.

David Kennedy

Website developer that loves Squarespace.

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