The Costs of Hun Sen’s Doomed Myanmar Policy
Samdech Akka Moha Sena Padei Techo Hun Sen, Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Cambodia at a Panel Global Leaders Investment Summit I Investment in a new era of globalization during the Word Investment Forum 2018. 23 october 2018. UNCTAD Photo/Jean Marc Ferré
“Hun Sen's approach to Myanmar will not bring peace to the country; instead, it will worsen the situation within Myanmar, augment intra-ASEAN tensions, and undermine the grouping’s relationship with the United States, ultimately weakening ASEAN’s claims to regional centrality. The question, then, is not if Hun Sen’s Myanmar policy will succeed, but just how badly it will fail.”
Ready this new commentary by NYSEAN member and Adjunct Fellow at CSIS Southeast Asia Program Charles Dunst.