Why the Son of a Hated Dictator Won the Philippine Elections

Cesar Tomambo, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

“As a progressive activist, I’m dismayed at the election of Ferdinand Marcos Jr. by a landslide. But as a sociologist, I can understand why.

I am not referring to the malfunction, intended or non-intended, of one thousand plus voting machines. I am not alluding to the massive release of billions of pesos for vote-buying that made the 2022 elections one of the dirtiest in recent years. Nor do I have in mind the decade-long online campaign of disinformation that transmogrified the nightmare years of martial law into a “golden age.””

Walden Bello writes for Meer.

To read more, click here.

David Kennedy

Chicago-based website developer that loves Squarespace. Mediaspace.co


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