Special Publication Series: Through the Light Holes

Organizer: Aruna Global South and Myanmar Photo Archive


Aruna Global South partnering with Myanmar Photo Archive calls for public reflections on a series of photographs in the Myanmar Photo Archive. Writers, poets, scholars, archivists, artists, thinkers with interests in and kinship to Myanmar are welcome to think alongside and beyond a series of images and produce a reflection in a medium and method of their choice (such as film, poetry, sound, photography, and more). Reflections can be scholarly and/or personal. 

A series of prompt questions are provided to give the contributors a starting point. They are by no means the only answers that we are looking for. We strongly encourage the contributors to use the photographs and prompts as a jumping point to engage with and reflect on each theme.

Submissions will be accepted according to the timeline below. Written submissions are capped at no more than 2 pages and can be either in Burmese or in English or in any other languages of Myanmar. Any other creative media and method of reflections are strongly welcomed. Pseudonyms can be used. For additional submission guidelines, please follow Aruna’s submission guidelines. Each contributor will be compensated for USD 100 for their reflections.

Contributors are required to submit a pitch, no more than one page, before submitting the completed reflections latest by June 30th 2022 to arunaglobalsouth@gmail.com AND mpa@myanmarphotoarchive.org. In your pitch, please clearly indicate the following information:  

  • The theme(s) you are engaging with (you are welcome to engage with more than one theme)

  • Main argument or point about the chosen theme(s) in your reflection

  • The language you are using (if it’s written format)

  • The format and medium of your reflection (either written or other modes)

  • A brief bio of yourself (pseudonyms are welcome)

Click here for more information.

David Kennedy

Website developer that loves Squarespace. Mediaspace.co


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