Call for Papers: Council on Thai Studies Conference


The Council on Thai Studies (COTS) is an informal organization of scholars interested in all aspects of Thai studies, broadly defined. First established in 1972, COTS annually provides scholars with a venue for reporting preliminary findings, opportunities to receive prepublication feedback and a forum to discuss field and archive challenges. Please consider giving a presentation or gathering a small group for a roundtable discussion or panel. Graduate students are particularly encouraged to submit papers, although everyone is welcome. Individual topics or groupings of papers are also welcome. An effort will be made to group individual papers into panel sessions around common themes. Each presenter will have a maximum of 15 minutes for an oral presentation.

This year is the 50th Anniversary of COTS, and thus this conference will be historic. Keynote speakers will include Professor Emeritus Thongchai Winichakul (University of Wisconsin-Madison) and Professor Pinkaew Laungaramsri (Chiang Mai University).

Please send brief abstracts (no more than 300 words, including contact information and institutional affiliation) to Ian Baird (

Acceptance of paper proposals, information regarding scheduling of panels and assignment of panel moderators and discussants will be sent via email.

All presentations will be given in-person, and the conference will not provide virtual access.

A block of rooms will be held at the Middleton Fairfield Inn, which is farther than walking distance from the conference site. Conference participants should make their own reservations as soon as possible at: 608-831-1400. These rooms will be held until September 20, 2022; please mention the Council on Thai Studies Conference group block.

We are also willing to help graduate students from other institutions arrange to stay with UW-Madison graduate students.



Deadline for abstracts: Original deadline: July 1, 2022 (for abstracts submitted by the initial deadline, letter of acceptance will be issued soon)

Extended final deadline: August 15, 2022

Click here for more information.

David Kennedy

Chicago-based website developer that loves Squarespace.

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