Postdoctoral Teaching Fellow Program - ASIANetwork

Sponsor: ASIANetwork


Through the generous support of the Henry Luce Foundation, ASIANetwork has been providing its member colleges with grants to support the hiring of a postdoctoral teaching fellow in Asian Studies. ASIANetwork – Luce Teaching Fellows (recent recipients of a terminal degree from a North American university) spend one or two years at an ASIANetwork college, teaching and participating in the intellectual and cultural life of the host college. We reserve the right to reduce a deserving 2-year application to a one-year grant.

Applicants must be current U.S. ASIANetwork member institutions that were members in the prior year. Previous recipients of an ASIANetwork – Luce Teaching Fellow grant are eligible.

ASIANetwork will provide $38,000/year to each of the selected colleges as partial support for the hiring of the teaching fellow for one or two years and an additional stipend to the fellow’s mentor ($1,250 for a 2-year and $750 for a 1-year grant). The host college will follow its own search and employment procedures within the context of Program guidelines provided by ASIANetwork.

The host college will designate a mentor from its tenured faculty to work with the teaching fellow and will send the mentor to the ASIANetwork annual conference during the search year and in the year(s) that the fellow is on campus. ASIANetwork will provide each teaching fellow with a travel allowance (up to $1,100) to attend one annual conference. Recipients of two-year grants must commit to sending the postdoc fellow to the ASIANetwork conference in the second year. The postdoc fellowship is a full-time position: half-time teaching and half-time research. The teaching fellow will teach a half-time course load, attend departmental and college faculty meetings, keep office hours, mentor students, and continue to pursue research and/or other scholarly projects. With allowances for the academic discipline, area of regional specialty, and the needs of the host college, the teaching fellow should be encouraged to teach comparatively about Asia. Courses should include significant East and/or Southeast Asian content.

Application due: December 1

Click here for more information.

David Kennedy

Website developer that loves Squarespace.

Lee Kong Chian NUS-Stanford Fellowship on Southeast Asia - Stanford University


The Asia Pacific Leadership Program - East-West Center