Southeast Asia and the World - 1st Southeast Asian Studies Graduate Conference, Harvard University

Organizer: Harvard University


The inaugural Harvard Southeast Asia Graduate Conference invites submissions engaging the possibilities of and limits to thinking about Southeast Asia and the world, regardless of disciplinary background. We welcome studies of Southeast Asia that examine the construction of nation-states, flows of transnational exchanges, and movements of diasporic communities, to name just a few areas of interest. Papers that creatively transgress political borders, traverse the distances between disciplinary locations, or interrogate the terrain on which we constitute our knowledge are welcome.

The areas of studies that we are interested in but not limited to include: (post-)colonial studies, empire studies, posthuman studies, animal studies, environmental humanities, (trans-)regional studies, Sinophone/Xenophone studies, diaspora and migration studies,  indigenous/native studies, histories of Southeast Asian art and architecture, religious studies, linguistics, regional/global health, studies of oceanic and archipelagic identities, economics and trade, foreign policy, international economic development, ASEAN and transboundary institutions, legal and justice studies, disaster and refugee, race, gender and identity, public health, science and technology, political and socioeconomic frameworks.

Applications due by: January 25, 2023

Click here to apply.

David Kennedy

Website developer that loves Squarespace.

Social/Justice in Southeast Asia Dissertation Proposal Workshop


Southeast Asian Studies Summer Institute (SEASSI)