Postdoctoral Fellow Southeast Asia Social Sciences Initiative, Cornell University

Organizer: Southeast Asia Program, Cornell University


The Southeast Asia Program (SEAP) at Cornell University invites applications for a Postdoctoral Fellow. We are seeking an independent and highly motivated social scientist with fieldwork and area expertise on one or more Southeast Asian countries. Scholars from a range of social science fields including economics, sociology, demography, geography, data science, labor relations, planning, and political science are encouraged to apply. We especially welcome someone able to work across disciplinary boundaries and is interested in the intersections between research, public engagement, and policymaking in the Southeast Asian context.

The most competitive candidates will have proficiency in one (or more) Southeast Asian language(s), and demonstrated ability to work collaboratively in multidisciplinary contexts. We strongly encourage scholars from Southeast Asia and underrepresented scholars who have been historically and structurally excluded from research and funding opportunities to apply. The Fellow will be housed in the Kahin Center for Advanced Research on Southeast Asia and, through SEAP, be part of the Mario Einaudi Center for International Studies. SEAP will also provide connections to the Brooks School for Public Policy, the Department of Global Development, and other Cornell units as relevant to the Fellow’s research and teaching interests.

Applications due by: March 13, 2023

Click here to apply.

David Kennedy

Website developer that loves Squarespace.

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