AIFIS-MSU Conference on Indonesian Studies

Organizers: The American Institute for Indonesian Studies and Michigan State University


This year’s conference theme, “The Promises and Dilemmas of Indonesia,” seeks to inspire reflection on Indonesia’s successes, discontents, and efforts to rework, reinterpret, and negotiate all aspects of civic, legal, and cultural living, against and in light of Indonesia’s internal fractures and frictions and its important profile and positionality globally and in the Asia-Pacific region. The conference seeks to explore and investigate a broad range of topics, including kebangsaan, in its diverse and competing meanings, adat and law, gender and race, environment and climate change, business, politics, and religion, and Indonesia’s place in the world. Indonesia continues to grapple with internal tensions and regresses as she also reaps the rewards of developmental leaps and resilience amidst global uncertainties and adverse challenges from the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, shifting geopolitical relations, and economic volatility.

The Conference Program Committee selected a multidimensional theme for our conference, one which is at once capacious enough to welcome and allow for an array of scholars working in/on/from Indonesia to reflect the specificity of Indonesian Studies in our current global climate. We encourage scholars to present research and reflections on the ways scholars of Indonesia historicize the country’s past, navigate current times, and explore imaginative futures and possibilities, all while contributing to the richness of the community’s collective legal and ethical-epistemological frameworks.

Applications due by: April 2, 2023

Click here to apply.

David Kennedy

Website developer that loves Squarespace.

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