25th NZASIA Biennial International Conference

Organizer: The New Zealand Asian Studies Society


The New Zealand Asian Studies Society is pleased to announce a call for papers and panel abstract submissions for its 25th Biennial Conference to be held in Christchurch from 29 November to 1 December, 2023. This year’s conference will be hosted by School of Language, Social and Political Sciences, University of Canterbury.

In an effort to prioritize the full breadth of the field of Asian Studies, we have selected the broad-based conference title - Rethinking Asia? In a time of rapid change in technology, society, and politics, we would like to see papers that consider newly emerging areas of study. At the same time, the question mark is meant to encourage scholars to consider areas of study that may not need new thinking, where increased depth of knowledge may be the best path forward. By focusing on the full breadth of Asian Studies at the conference, we hope that scholars will each find something new to sample, something new to consider, perhaps even something new to research beyond their own discipline and area of expertise. In this way, we all expand our audiences to embrace a larger group of our peers as we build up our understandings of Asia.
Our biennial conference is multidisciplinary and aims to bring together scholars working in all areas of Asian studies. We encourage papers and panels that explore any aspect of Asian studies, from any disciplinary or theoretical perspective.

We particularly seek contributions from emerging scholars and postgraduate students. We are planning to host a pre-conference postgraduate workshop and other events to support our next generation of scholars. We look forward to your participation in Christchurch at the end of 2023.

Application due by: July 1, 2023

Click here to apply.

David Kennedy

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Fulbright U.S. Student Program


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