Vietnam’s Geopolitical Anxiety Over Cambodia’s Funan Techo Canal

Picture: Tang Chhin Sothy / AFP

In an article by Fulcrum, Chansambath Bong reports the geopolitical predicaments faced by Vietnam vis-a-vis China-backed canal project in Cambodia.

Despite the overblown argument by Vietnamese scholars that the canal could bring a Chinese military presence into Cambodia, Phnom Penh has no reason to antagonise Vietnam and no use for such a speculated presence. Furthermore, Phnom Penh would have to think more than twice before embarking on something that could invite external interference and a repeat of its tragic past. Cambodia’s history teaches us that a Chinese military presence will violate Article 53 of Cambodia’s constitution which prohibits foreign troops on its soil, in any case. This is a principle that rings similar to Vietnam’s “four no’s” policy.

For Cambodia, the canal will potentially reduce shipping costs and allow it to reroute a significant proportion of exports gradually away from Vietnam’s Cai Mep port along the Mekong Delta. Cai Mep is where Cambodia’s exports currently navigate before reaching international waterways. Their current dependence on Vietnam means that the Vietnamese can use administrative red tape, cross-border shipping fees, and political goodwill as strategic levers to keep Cambodia in a disadvantaged, if not subordinate, position. Vietnam is certainly not planning to lose that leverage anytime soon.

David Kennedy

Chicago-based website developer that loves Squarespace.

Impacts of Cambodia’s Funan Techo Canal and Implications for Mekong Cooperation


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