Assistant Professor of Asian Studies - University of Hawaii Manoa

Full-time, tenure track position in Asian Studies to begin Fall 2024, pending position clearance and availability of funds. Salary commensurate with qualifications and experience. The University of Hawai’i at Manoa (UHM) offers interdisciplinary BA and MA degree programs and Graduate Certificates in the study of China, Japan, Korea, the Philippines, South Asia, Southeast Asia, and Inter-Asia. The Department of Asian Studies seeks a collegial and talented colleague to support a new interdepartmental initiative to expand and connect Asian, Asian-American, and Pacific Islander Studies through Environmental Humanities lenses that emphasize the shared histories and futures of Asia/Oceania/America. For more information, see

Duties and Responsibilities

Develop and teach four Asian Studies courses per year based on the needs of the department;

Advise undergraduate and graduate students;

Serve on graduate committees;

Maintain an active agenda of scholarly research and publication;

Participate in AAPI Environmental Humanities/Environmental Justice (EHEJ) program-building and other service work for the department, college, university, and broader communities;

Work collaboratively and collegially with diverse groups of students and faculty;

Other duties as assigned by the Chair.

Minimum Qualifications

1. Earned PhD in a humanities or related interdisciplinary field from a university of recognized standing (ABDs will be considered, but all requirements for doctoral degree must be completed by August 2024);

2. Expertise in trans-Pacific environmental humanities or environmental justice studies;

3. Research competence in a relevant Asian language;

4. Ability to develop and teach innovative interdisciplinary graduate- and undergraduate-

level courses at the intersection of Environmental Humanities, Environmental Justice,

Asian-American Studies and Asian Studies;

5. Demonstrated ability to work effectively and collegially with diverse populations of

students, faculty, staff and administrators.

Desirable Qualifications

1. A scholarly focus on trans-Pacific drivers of and responses to ecological crises (including sea level rise, environmental degradation, marine pollution, coastal erosion and biodiversity loss) that emphasizes the shared pasts and futures of communities in Southeast Asia and the United States;

2. A demonstrated commitment to community outreach and engagement;

3. A demonstrated ability to support the university’s mission of diversity, equity and inclusion.

To Apply:

To apply, click on the “Apply” button on the top right corner of the screen to complete an

application and attach the following required documents:

1. Cover letter indicating how you satisfy the minimum and desirable qualifications;

2. Current curriculum vitae;

3. Transcripts for highest degree (unofficial copies acceptable; official transcripts required

upon hire);

4. Sample publication or dissertation chapter;

5. Syllabi for two interdisciplinary, humanities-based courses: one inter-Asia

undergraduate course and one graduate seminar on trans-Pacific environmental justice;

6. Names and contact information of three academic references.

Additional materials (e.g. teaching samples, published work) may be requested at a later date.

Review of applications will begin January 15, 2024 and continue until position is filled.

To apply, click here.

David Kennedy

Website developer that loves Squarespace.

Program Assistant - Heinrich Böll Stiftung


Call for Papers - University at Albany Projects of Duress