Prabowo Subianto is Poised to Succeed in Lifelong Quest to become Indonesia’s President. This is Why It’s So Worrying

Picture: Vincent Thian/AP

In an article by Indonesia at Melbourne, Tim Lindsey highlights the impact of Prabowo’s potential victory once he is sworn in office domestically and globally.

Oligarchs who backed Prabowo’s campaigns can expect to have cabinet seats and lucrative appointments given to them or their supporters, while Prabowo’s rivals will have to be placated or isolated.

These negotiations will take some time, not least because Megawati and her PDI-P will still be a force to be reckoned with. Prabowo will probably work with Jokowi to try to recreate the sort of grand alliance of parties that Jokowi constructed to control the national legislature. However, this time, PDI-P may choose to go into opposition. This would force Prabowo to make a major political recalibration.

Prabowo’s carefully styled “cute grandpa” image will probably not last long, and Western democracies may find his more usual military-style strongman style much more difficult to deal with. He is a politician who is happy to take hardline, even fiery, nationalist positions when it suits him. He is also notoriously temperamental and quick to anger.

David Kennedy

Chicago-based website developer that loves Squarespace.

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