SEASSI 2024 Application

SEASSI is administered and hosted by the Center for Southeast Asian Studies and Language Program Office at the University of Wisconsin–Madison. It is an eight-week intensive language training program for undergraduates, graduate students, professionals, and nontraditional students. Students learn speaking, reading, listening, and writing skills through classroom instruction and a full range of co-curricular activities. Established in 1983 at Ohio University, SEASSI provides high quality intensive language instruction in major Southeast Asian languages during the summer. It remains a unique program of area language training that combines institutional, federal, and foundation funding to bring faculty and students together every summer.

: The overall modality for 2024 will be face-to-face. However, special circumstances will be considered to allow a limited number of distance learning students into an otherwise in-person class. First year Indonesian, Thai, and Vietnamese will only accept in-person students for Summer 2024. The Khmer course will be in a fully synchronous, remote modality. Applicants interested in distance learning for other levels and languages should review the Distance Learning guidelines ( and email with questions.

Application Deadline: March 15th, 2024. Find more information here.

David Kennedy

Website developer that loves Squarespace.

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