The Digital Media Environment in Indonesia: Online Gender-Based Violence

Picture: Screenshot of the report cover art

In a report by ABC International Development (ABCID) in partnership with Indonesia-based research organisation Remotivi, Yovantra Arief and Ayu Regina Yolandasari argue that against the backdrop of the global COVID-19 pandemic, a surge in online gender-based violence against journalists, particularly women, became a growing concern in Indonesia.

Key takeaways from the study include:

  • The most prevalent forms of online gender-based violence include private messaging harassment, abusive language, surveillance, image-based abuse, and sexually abusive comments, with WhatsApp being the primary platform for such incidents.

  • A significant proportion of survivors experienced online gender-based violence unrelated to journalistic reporting, with many experiencing attacks offline.

  • Institutional challenges are evident, with journalists, particularly women, lacking awareness of OGBV.

  • While a majority of male respondents expressed disapproval of OGBV, there is a disconnect between the perception and reality faced by women journalists, with gender stereotypes persisting in the newsroom and in fieldwork.

  • Men need to be actively engaged in conversations on improving the safety of women journalists.


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