The Digital Media Environment in Indonesia: Online Gender-Based Violence
Picture: Screenshot of the report cover art
In a report by ABC International Development (ABCID) in partnership with Indonesia-based research organisation Remotivi, Yovantra Arief and Ayu Regina Yolandasari argue that against the backdrop of the global COVID-19 pandemic, a surge in online gender-based violence against journalists, particularly women, became a growing concern in Indonesia.
Key takeaways from the study include:
The most prevalent forms of online gender-based violence include private messaging harassment, abusive language, surveillance, image-based abuse, and sexually abusive comments, with WhatsApp being the primary platform for such incidents.
A significant proportion of survivors experienced online gender-based violence unrelated to journalistic reporting, with many experiencing attacks offline.
Institutional challenges are evident, with journalists, particularly women, lacking awareness of OGBV.
While a majority of male respondents expressed disapproval of OGBV, there is a disconnect between the perception and reality faced by women journalists, with gender stereotypes persisting in the newsroom and in fieldwork.
Men need to be actively engaged in conversations on improving the safety of women journalists.