Implementing a Monitoring Program to Help Improve Integrity of Procurement and Delivery of Medicines in the Department of Health

The National Citizen’s Movement for Free Elections (NAMFREL), a local CSO in the Philippines, carried out the “Medicine Monitoring Project” (MMP) in partnership with the Department of Health (DOH). The project first started in 2004 and received funding from PTF in two phases during 2008/2009 and 2010/2011. The first phase served to test the feasibility of the approach, which was then – after successful completion – scaled up in a second phase. The program was completed in 2012.

This teaching case is available for purchase here.

Published by Partnership for Transparency Fund.

David Kennedy

Website developer that loves Squarespace.

Instilling Order and Accountability: Standard Operating Procedures at Indonesia's Ministry of Finance, 2006-2007


Illegal Logging in Cambodia