Problems Of Success: Evaluating JICA's Coastal Aquaculture Development Project In Thailand

Five years after the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) established a seabass aquaculture in a poor, rural part of coastal Thailand, the project appears, on many counts, to be a success. An evaluation of the project by JICA itself notes that new techniques for seabass seed production have taken hold among the uneducated subsistence--level Islamic fishermen of the area and helped raise their standard of living. Many of the nearly 400 families involved can now afford the fees to send their children to school. But there are questions about the long-term prospects of the project. It seems possible that byproducts of the aquaculture could lead to contamination.

This teaching case is available here.

Authored by Marc Lindenberg.

Published by HKS.

David Kennedy

Website developer that loves Squarespace.

Promoting Accountability, Monitoring Services: Textbook Procurement and Delivery, The Philippines, 2002-2005


Power at the Grass Roots: Monitoring Public Works in Abra, The Philippines, 1986-1990