Call for Papers - A Nation in Dysfunction: Discourses on Corruption in Indonesia

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Indonesia’s government has been perpetually riddled by corruption and a lack of public accountability, thus, engendering political frustration and resentment amongst the populace. The literature contains a multitude of perspectives; some argue that corruption is caused by the following factors, among others: bureaucracy and institutional structures, social grievances, Indonesia’s young democracy, economic interests, legal systems and enforcement, grassroots power, and colonial legacy, as well as cultural and historical contingencies that act to make or break corrupt practices. As Indonesia continues to craft its democracy, the specter of corruption looms large. While the conversations on this issue can at times seem too divisive or confined within certain strands of thought, we invite speakers and attendees from all disciplines and areas to critically analyze, expand, synthesize, contest, and discuss their perspectives on corruption at 15th Northeastern Conference (NEC) on Indonesia.

Proposal Submission Deadline: March 19, 2017 at 11:59 p.m. U.S. Eastern Time

Please see attached document here for more information regarding the conference and submission process.

View the conference page here.

David Kennedy

Website developer that loves Squarespace.

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