New Books Network Podcasts on Southeast Asia

The New York Southeast Asia Network is partnering with the New Books Network, a consortium of podcasts, and will offer links to its podcast on books about Southeast Asia. The podcast is dedicated to introducing serious readers to serious authors, and a new podcast appears about once a month. Click here to listen to our first featured podcast. 

Nick Cheesman, currently a member of the Institute of Advance Studies, Princeton, interviews Jayde Lin Roberts on the renaissance of scholarship on Burma, or Myanmar. Her book,  Mapping Chinese Rangoon: Place and Nation among the Sino-Burmese (University of Washington Press, 2016), is a bellwether of exciting new books to come, and a model for how they might be done. Although Roberts completed much of her research for the book back under military dictatorship in the 2000s, she explores and situates the Sino-Burmese in downtown Rangoon, or Yangon, in a manner that anticipates and responds to the political changes of the 2010s, and with them, the current ethnographic turn towards Burma. These podcasts can also be found on iTunes.

David Kennedy

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