Asia Society Policy Institute: Reconciling Expectations With Reality in a Transitioning Myanmar

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Drawing on insights from policymakers, diplmomats, business and NGO leaders, academics and journalists, the Asia Society Policy Institute, a NYSEAN Partner, released "Reconciling Expectations With Reality in a Transitioning Myanmar," an issue paper outlining the five critical challenges facing Myanmar today. The paper finds that the following issues undermine the prospects for good governance in the country: 

  • Multifaceted and violent ethnic conflict, largely created or exacerbated by Myanmar’s military, which is undermining the peace process and causing the tragic plight of the Rohingya

  • Poor and uneven government communications, causing both “fake news” and speculation to proliferate

  • Slowed economic reform and development

  • A flawed constitution, unchecked military power, and the conflation of the rule of law and law and order

  • Unbalanced geopolitical and geostrategic power and risk.

The authors argue that to move forward, the international community should take a broader lens to their understanding of Myanmar and double down on helping find a way forward.

Read here.

David Kennedy

Website developer that loves Squarespace.

Institute for Policy Analysis of Conflict (IPAC): Indonesia and the Rohingya Crisis


Professor Margaret Scott in the New York Review of Books