Call for Papers: SEASIA Biennial Conference 2019, Change and Resistance: Future Directions of Southeast Asia

Sub-themes that will be discussed during the conference are: 

(1)  Historical Continuities and Changes;

(2)  Dynamics of International Relations and Regionalism;

(3)  Debating Inclusive Growth in Rural and Urban Settings;

(4)  Environmental Justice, Land and Maritimes Sustainability and Climate Change;

(5)  Arts, Cultures, Photography and Literatures;

(6)  Innovation, Technology, Media and Cybercultures;

(7)  Mobility and Migration;

(8)  Democratization, Populism and Civil Society;

(9)  Dynamics of Religions and Spiritualties;

(10)  Ethnicity and Gender;

(11)  Challenges to Economic Vitality.


- Deadline for Proposals : 15th MARCH, 2019

- Confirmation deadline by successful applicants: 22th APRIL, 2019

- Online registration for participants: 22th APRIL – 1th OCTOBER, 2019

SEASIA 2019 Conference: 5th-7th DECEMBER, 2019

For more information, click here

David Kennedy

Website developer that loves Squarespace.

Anti-Ahok To Anti-Jokowi: Islamist Influence on Indonesia’s 2019 Election Campaign


Call for Submissions: The Stilt House Zine, Genealogy Stories