Talking Indonesia Podcast: Communicating Research

There are many Indonesian researchers conducting important and path-breaking research, both within Indonesia and around the world. But many of these Indonesian scholars often find it difficult to distribute and share the results of their research projects with the global public. 

The reasons for Indonesian researchers’ underrepresentation on the global stage are varied, and include lack of access to global media organisations, language barriers, and limited infrastructure and support. One platform that has helped Indonesian researchers to share their knowledge and expertise with the world is The Conversation Indonesia, which launched in 2017. 

In the latest episode of Talking Indonesia, Tito Ambyo speaks to CEO and Publisher of The Conversation Indonesia Prodita Kusuma Sabarini, about the challenges Indonesian researchers face in distributing their research, and what she thinks Indonesian academics need to do to communicate more widely with the world. Prodita is also one of the founders of “Ingat 65” (“Remember ’65”), an online forum for young Indonesians to share their reflections on the 1965 tragedy.

Read the original post here on the NYSEAN partner Talking Indonesia website.

David Kennedy

Chicago-based website developer that loves Squarespace.

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