International Affairs Fellowship in Indonesia


The International Affairs Fellowship (IAF) in Indonesia, sponsored by Yayasan Pusat Kajian Hubungan Internasional (Center of International Relation Studies Foundation), seeks to strengthen mutual understanding and cooperation between rising generations of leaders and thinkers in Indonesia and the United States. The program is intended for mid-career U.S. professionals who have had little or no prior experience in Indonesia. Selected fellows will have the opportunity to spend three to twelve months conducting research in Indonesia, developing a new professional network, and gaining deeper insights into the opportunities and challenges facing the world’s third most populous democracy. Through this experience, fellows will gain fresh insights and perspectives on Indonesia and the challenges and opportunities it faces. Individuals from academia, business, government, journalism, NGOs, and think tanks are all encouraged to apply.


Applicants must be U.S. citizens. 

Applicants must be mid-career professionals.

Applicants must have a strong record of professional achievement.

Applicants must have a demonstrated commitment to a career in foreign policy and have an interest in U.S.-Indonesia relations. 

Although the program is intended primarily for those without prior experience in Indonesia, applicants with prior experience who can demonstrate that the fellowship would add a significant new dimension to their careers will be considered. Knowledge of Indonesian (Bahasa Indonesia) or other local languages is not required.

Deadline: October 31, 2022

Click here for more information.

David Kennedy

Chicago-based website developer that loves Squarespace.

Senior Fellowships - Center for Khmer Studies


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