Call for Papers - The Vietnamese Studies Group 2024 Graduate Paper Prize Competition

The Vietnam Studies Group (VSG) is pleased to announce a call for submissions for its annual graduate student paper prize competition. The competition encourages the direct involvement of graduate students in the growth of Vietnamese studies and supports their professional development. The competition is open to full- and part-time graduate students at any level, regardless of their disciplinary specialization. Preference will be given to sole-authored papers based on original field, archival, and/or statistical research. However, thematic reviews that critically synthesize existing literature on a particular topic related to Vietnamese studies will also be considered.

The winner will receive a $500 prize and a one-year subscription to the Journal of Vietnamese Studies. We will also award two honourable mentions, each with a prize of $250. The winners will be notified in late Autumn 2023.

Papers may be written in English or Vietnamese. Submissions will be reviewed by a VSG sub-committee, which will evaluate the entries on the basis of their scholarly merit, theoretical and/or methodological originality, clarity, and style. Papers should also have implications that transcend their disciplinary boundaries to reach a broader academic audience. Only unpublished papers will be considered.

Submissions are due by 11:59 PM (BST) Friday September 29, 2023, to Sean Fear: The committee regrets that late submissions will not be accepted. In the email please attach (1) an anonymised PDF of the paper and (2) a letter of good standing from the applicant’s graduate department.

For more information, click here.

David Kennedy

Website developer that loves Squarespace.

Executive Director - Mekong NYC


Virtual Workshop for Graduate Applications to UCSC SEACoast