CSEAS Fellowship - University of Madison, Wisconsin

Welcome to the Center for Southeast Asian Studies' online application for the Center Fellowships competition (AY 2024-2025). Center Fellowship applicants will return to this online form to complete their application before the due date: Tuesday, February 14 at 11:59:00 PM Central Time. This online form and all supporting materials must be received by the Center before the deadline.

Award Details: Center Fellowships are awarded as one-semester 40% Research Assistantships or Project Assistantships, and pay a modest living stipend, as well as provide health insurance and tuition remission. Fellowship recipients must be enrolled in at least six credits per semester of Southeast Asian Studies courses while receiving this fellowship.

Who is Eligible: All students enrolled in graduate degree programs at UW-Madison and whose primary research area is Southeast Asia. Applicants can be at any level of graduate study, incoming students to dissertators.

Please continue in the application to fill out your personal information and submit all required supporting materials.

The deadline is February 14, 2024. To apply, click here

David Kennedy

Website developer that loves Squarespace. Mediaspace.co


CSEAS Center Field Research Grant - University of Wisconsin, Madison


Diaspora Youth Development Program - US-Asia Institute